define HEAP_SIZE = 0x8000; global heap[HEAP_SIZE] = 0; define PADDING_SIZE = 4; define HEADER_SIZE = 5; 🗿HEADER REPRESENTATION 🗿+-------------+--------+--------+-------------------------------+---------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ 🗿| initialised | used | size | pointer to the previous block | pointer to the next block | padding | data | padding | 🗿| 1 case | 1 case | 1 case | 1 case | 1 case | 4 cases | n cases | 4 cases | 🗿+-------------+--------+--------+-------------------------------+---------------------------+---------+---------+---------+ 🗿 INITIALISED 🗿 a boolean to state if the block is initialised 🗿 USED 🗿 a boolean to state if the block is used 🗿 SIZE 🗿 The size of the data 🗿 POINTER 🗿 The address of block 🗿 PADDING 🗿 Is used to check invalid write 🗿 If a case doesn't equal to 0 it is an invalid write define LOCATION_INITIALISED = 0; define LOCATION_USED = 1; define LOCATION_SIZE = 2; define LOCATION_PREV = 3; define LOCATION_NEXT = 4; define LOCATION_DATA = HEADER_SIZE + PADDING_SIZE; galloc_setup_header(ptr, used, size, next_block, prev_block) { local i; [ptr + LOCATION_INITIALISED] = 1; [ptr + LOCATION_USED] = used; [ptr + LOCATION_SIZE] = size; [ptr + LOCATION_PREV] = prev_block; [ptr + LOCATION_NEXT] = next_block; i = HEADER_SIZE; loop { if (i == HEADER_SIZE + PADDING_SIZE) break; [ptr + i] = 0; 🗿 INITIALISE TOP PADDING [ptr + i + PADDING_SIZE + size] = 0; 🗿 INITIALISE BOT PADDING i++; } } galloc_find_next_space(size) { local current; current = heap; loop { if ([current + LOCATION_USED] == 0 & [current + LOCATION_SIZE] >= size) return (current); current = [current + LOCATION_NEXT]; if (current == 0) return (0); } } galloc_print_heap() { local i; i = 0; loop { if (i == HEAP_SIZE) return (0); dbg [heap + i]; i++; } } galloc_split_block(ptr, size) { local old_next; local next; local prev; local old_size; old_size = [ptr + LOCATION_SIZE]; if (size + HEADER_SIZE + PADDING_SIZE * 2 > old_size) 🗿 if the block is to small to be split { [ptr + LOCATION_USED] = 1; return (ptr); } old_next = [ptr + LOCATION_NEXT]; next = ptr + size + HEADER_SIZE + PADDING_SIZE * 2; prev = [ptr + LOCATION_PREV]; 🗿 galloc_setup_header(ptr, used, size, next_block, prev_block); galloc_setup_header(ptr, 1, size, ptr + HEADER_SIZE + PADDING_SIZE * 2 + size, prev); galloc_setup_header(next, 0, old_size - size - HEADER_SIZE - PADDING_SIZE * 2, old_next, ptr); return (0); } galloc(size) { local ptr; if ([heap] == 0) 🗿 if the heap is not initialised galloc_setup_header(heap, 0, HEAP_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE - PADDING_SIZE * 2, 0, 0); 🗿 initialised all the heap ptr = galloc_find_next_space(size); if (ptr == 0) return (0); if ([ptr + LOCATION_SIZE] == size) { [ptr + LOCATION_USED] = 1; return (ptr + LOCATION_DATA); } galloc_split_block(ptr, size); return (ptr + LOCATION_DATA); } galloc_merge_blocks(first_block, last_block) { local size; if (last_block == first_block) { galloc_setup_header(first_block, 0, [first_block + LOCATION_SIZE], [first_block + LOCATION_NEXT], [first_block + LOCATION_PREV]); } size = last_block - first_block + [last_block + LOCATION_SIZE]; galloc_setup_header(first_block, 0, size, [last_block + LOCATION_NEXT], [first_block + LOCATION_PREV]); } free(ptr) { local block; local prev_block; local next_block; local first_block; local last_block; block = ptr - LOCATION_DATA; prev_block = [block + LOCATION_PREV]; if (prev_block == 0 | [prev_block + LOCATION_USED]) first_block = block; else first_block = prev_block; next_block = [block + LOCATION_NEXT]; if (next_block == 0 | [next_block + LOCATION_USED]) last_block = block; else last_block = next_block; galloc_merge_blocks(first_block, last_block); }