125 lines
4.9 KiB
125 lines
4.9 KiB
Types configuration specific to PostgreSQL.
# Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team
from ._typeinfo import TypeInfo, RangeInfo, MultirangeInfo, TypesRegistry
from .abc import AdaptContext
from ._adapters_map import AdaptersMap
# Global objects with PostgreSQL builtins and globally registered user types.
types = TypesRegistry()
# Global adapter maps with PostgreSQL types configuration
adapters = AdaptersMap(types=types)
# Use tools/update_oids.py to update this data.
for t in [
TypeInfo('"char"', 18, 1002),
# autogenerated: start
# Generated from PostgreSQL 16.0
TypeInfo("aclitem", 1033, 1034),
TypeInfo("bit", 1560, 1561),
TypeInfo("bool", 16, 1000, regtype="boolean"),
TypeInfo("box", 603, 1020, delimiter=";"),
TypeInfo("bpchar", 1042, 1014, regtype="character"),
TypeInfo("bytea", 17, 1001),
TypeInfo("cid", 29, 1012),
TypeInfo("cidr", 650, 651),
TypeInfo("circle", 718, 719),
TypeInfo("date", 1082, 1182),
TypeInfo("float4", 700, 1021, regtype="real"),
TypeInfo("float8", 701, 1022, regtype="double precision"),
TypeInfo("gtsvector", 3642, 3644),
TypeInfo("inet", 869, 1041),
TypeInfo("int2", 21, 1005, regtype="smallint"),
TypeInfo("int2vector", 22, 1006),
TypeInfo("int4", 23, 1007, regtype="integer"),
TypeInfo("int8", 20, 1016, regtype="bigint"),
TypeInfo("interval", 1186, 1187),
TypeInfo("json", 114, 199),
TypeInfo("jsonb", 3802, 3807),
TypeInfo("jsonpath", 4072, 4073),
TypeInfo("line", 628, 629),
TypeInfo("lseg", 601, 1018),
TypeInfo("macaddr", 829, 1040),
TypeInfo("macaddr8", 774, 775),
TypeInfo("money", 790, 791),
TypeInfo("name", 19, 1003),
TypeInfo("numeric", 1700, 1231),
TypeInfo("oid", 26, 1028),
TypeInfo("oidvector", 30, 1013),
TypeInfo("path", 602, 1019),
TypeInfo("pg_lsn", 3220, 3221),
TypeInfo("point", 600, 1017),
TypeInfo("polygon", 604, 1027),
TypeInfo("record", 2249, 2287),
TypeInfo("refcursor", 1790, 2201),
TypeInfo("regclass", 2205, 2210),
TypeInfo("regcollation", 4191, 4192),
TypeInfo("regconfig", 3734, 3735),
TypeInfo("regdictionary", 3769, 3770),
TypeInfo("regnamespace", 4089, 4090),
TypeInfo("regoper", 2203, 2208),
TypeInfo("regoperator", 2204, 2209),
TypeInfo("regproc", 24, 1008),
TypeInfo("regprocedure", 2202, 2207),
TypeInfo("regrole", 4096, 4097),
TypeInfo("regtype", 2206, 2211),
TypeInfo("text", 25, 1009),
TypeInfo("tid", 27, 1010),
TypeInfo("time", 1083, 1183, regtype="time without time zone"),
TypeInfo("timestamp", 1114, 1115, regtype="timestamp without time zone"),
TypeInfo("timestamptz", 1184, 1185, regtype="timestamp with time zone"),
TypeInfo("timetz", 1266, 1270, regtype="time with time zone"),
TypeInfo("tsquery", 3615, 3645),
TypeInfo("tsvector", 3614, 3643),
TypeInfo("txid_snapshot", 2970, 2949),
TypeInfo("uuid", 2950, 2951),
TypeInfo("varbit", 1562, 1563, regtype="bit varying"),
TypeInfo("varchar", 1043, 1015, regtype="character varying"),
TypeInfo("xid", 28, 1011),
TypeInfo("xid8", 5069, 271),
TypeInfo("xml", 142, 143),
RangeInfo("daterange", 3912, 3913, subtype_oid=1082),
RangeInfo("int4range", 3904, 3905, subtype_oid=23),
RangeInfo("int8range", 3926, 3927, subtype_oid=20),
RangeInfo("numrange", 3906, 3907, subtype_oid=1700),
RangeInfo("tsrange", 3908, 3909, subtype_oid=1114),
RangeInfo("tstzrange", 3910, 3911, subtype_oid=1184),
MultirangeInfo("datemultirange", 4535, 6155, range_oid=3912, subtype_oid=1082),
MultirangeInfo("int4multirange", 4451, 6150, range_oid=3904, subtype_oid=23),
MultirangeInfo("int8multirange", 4536, 6157, range_oid=3926, subtype_oid=20),
MultirangeInfo("nummultirange", 4532, 6151, range_oid=3906, subtype_oid=1700),
MultirangeInfo("tsmultirange", 4533, 6152, range_oid=3908, subtype_oid=1114),
MultirangeInfo("tstzmultirange", 4534, 6153, range_oid=3910, subtype_oid=1184),
# autogenerated: end
# A few oids used a bit everywhere
TEXT_OID = types["text"].oid
TEXT_ARRAY_OID = types["text"].array_oid
def register_default_adapters(context: AdaptContext) -> None:
from .types import array, bool, composite, datetime, enum, json, multirange
from .types import net, none, numeric, range, string, uuid