Copyright @ 2021-2022 Codam Coding College. All rights reserved.
See copyright and license notice in the root project for more information.

# Hooks in MLX42

Hooks allow you to add your own functions to the main loop execution of the program, aka these functions get executed every frame.
They also serve to intercept certain keypresses such as scrolling or pressing enter.

Only one hook can be set at a time! You cannot attach/have multiple specialized hooks.
You can however have multiple generic hooks.

## Specialized Hooks

### Scroll hook

 * Callback function used to handle scrolling.
 * @param[in] x The mouse x delta.
 * @param[in] y The mouse y delta.
 * @param[in] param Additional parameter to pass to the function.
typedef void (*mlx_scrollfunc)(double xdelta, double ydelta, void* param);

 * This function sets the scroll callback, which is called when a scrolling 
 * device is used, such as a mouse wheel.
 * @param[in] mlx The MLX instance handle.
 * @param[in] func The scroll wheel callback function.
 * @param[in] param An additional optional parameter.
void mlx_scroll_hook(mlx_t* mlx, mlx_scrollfunc func, void* param);

### Close Hook


 * Callback function used to handle window closing which is called when the user attempts 
 * to close the window, for example by clicking the close widget in the title bar.
 * @param[in] param Additional parameter to pass to the function.
typedef void (*mlx_closefunc)(void* param);

 * This function sets the close callback, which is called in attempt to close 
 * the window device such as a close window widget used in the window bar.
 * @param[in] mlx The MLX instance handle.
 * @param[in] func The close callback function.
 * @param[in] param An additional optional parameter.
void mlx_close_hook(mlx_t* mlx, mlx_closefunc func, void* param);

### Resize Hook


 * Callback function used to handle window resizing.
 * @param[in] width The new width of the window.
 * @param[in] height The new height of the window. 
 * @param[in] param Additional parameter to pass to the function.
typedef void (*mlx_resizefunc)(int32_t width, int32_t height, void* param);

 * This function sets the resize callback, which is called when the window is
 * resized
 * @param[in] mlx The MLX instance handle.
 * @param[in] func The resize callback function.
 * @param[in] param An additional optional parameter.
void mlx_resize_hook(mlx_t* mlx, mlx_resizefunc func, void* param);

### Key hook

Use a key hook if you want single keypress detection or more precision as to how a key is pressed, such as checking for modifier keys or getting the raw os keycode.


 * Key function callback data.
 * Data related to the mlx_key_hook function
 * @param key The key that was pressed.
 * @param action The action that was done with the key.
 * @param os_key The os_key is unique for every key, and will have a 
 * different value/keycode depending on the platform. 
 * They may be consistent on different platforms.
 * @param modifier The modifier key that was pressed, 0 if none.
typedef struct mlx_key_data
	keys_t		key;
	action_t	action;
	int32_t		os_key;
	modifier_key_t	modifier;
}	mlx_key_data_t;

 * Callback function used to handle keypresses.
 * @param[in] keydata The callback data, contains info on key, action, ...
 * @param[in] param Additional parameter to pass to the function.
typedef void (*mlx_keyfunc)(mlx_key_data_t keydata, void* param);

 * This function sets the key callback, which is called when a key is pressed
 * on the keyboard. Useful for single key press detection.
 * @param[in] mlx The MLX instance handle.
 * @param[in] func The key press callback function.
 * @param[in] param An additional optional parameter.
void mlx_key_hook(mlx_t* mlx, mlx_keyfunc func, void* param);

## Generic Hook

Generic hooks execute each frame and are useful for stuff that needs to be updated every frame.

 * Generic loop hook for any custom hooks to add to the main loop. 
 * Executes a function per frame, so be careful.
 * @param[in] mlx The MLX instance handle.
 * @param[in] f The function.
 * @param[in] param The parameter to pass onto the function.
 * @returns Wether the hook was added successfuly. 
bool mlx_loop_hook(mlx_t* mlx, void (*f)(void*), void* param);

# Examples

Here are some simple examples on how to implement each one of the hooks in a simple fashion.

## Key Hook


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "MLX42/MLX42.h"
#define WIDTH 720
#define HEIGHT 480

void my_keyhook(mlx_key_data_t keydata, void* param)
	// If we PRESS the 'J' key, print "Hello".
	if (keydata.key == MLX_KEY_J && keydata.action == MLX_PRESS)
		puts("Hello ");

	// If we RELEASE the 'K' key, print "World".
	if (keydata.key == MLX_KEY_K && keydata.action == MLX_RELEASE)

	// If we HOLD the 'L' key, print "!".
	if (keydata.key == MLX_KEY_L && keydata.action == MLX_REPEAT)

int32_t	main(void)
	mlx_t* mlx;

	if (!(mlx = mlx_init(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "MLX42", true)))
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	mlx_key_hook(mlx, &my_keyhook, NULL);
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

## Scroll Example

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "MLX42/MLX42.h"
#define WIDTH 720
#define HEIGHT 480

void my_scrollhook(double xdelta, double ydelta, void* param)
	// Simple up or down detection.
	if (ydelta > 0)
	else if (ydelta < 0)
	// Can also detect a mousewheel that goes along the X (e.g: MX Master 3)
	if (xdelta < 0)
		puts("Sliiiide to the left!");
	else if (xdelta > 0)
		puts("Sliiiide to the right!");

int32_t	main(void)
	mlx_t* mlx;

	if (!(mlx = mlx_init(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "MLX42", true)))
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);

	mlx_scroll_hook(mlx, &my_scrollhook, NULL);
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);