# Libft This is my implementation of the Libft project for the 42 school. ## Description Libft is a library of standard functions written in C. The purpose of the project is to recreate some of the functions from the standard C library ## Getting Started To compile the library, simply run `make` in the root directory of the project. This will generate a static library called `libft.a`. To use the library in another project, simply include the header file `libft.h` and link against the `libft.a` library. ## Usage The library includes a wide range of functions, from basic string and memory manipulation functions to more complex data structure and input/output functions. For detailed information on each function, see the header file `libft.h` and the corresponding source file in the `src` directory. ## Resources - ![The project subject](./subject.pdf) - The standard C library documentation - The man pages for each function ## Authors This project was created by Camille Chauvet. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.