Compare commits


No commits in common. "8283472d2eaa5ab9cffb17338d5294bb03686948" and "1423d42583ef9507e1ace3bf9ea86dfc305a71a8" have entirely different histories.

6 changed files with 45 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
UTILS_SRC = utils/ft_is_in_quote.c utils/ft_strncpy.c utils/ft_strreplace.c utils/ft_strnchr.c utils/ft_getstr.c
SRCS = ${UTILS_SRC} main.c file.c infile.c outfile.c heredoc.c syntatics.c ft_split_quoted.c env.c execution.c
SRCS = ${UTILS_SRC} main.c file.c infile.c outfile.c heredoc.c syntatics.c ft_split_quoted.c env.c
OBJS = ${SRCS:.c=.o}

View File

@ -1,55 +1,23 @@
#include "libftx/libftx.h"
#include "minishell.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include <unistd.h>
static char *ft_get_variable(char **env, char *variable)
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env)
size_t i;
i = 0;
while (env[i] == NULL)
if (ft_strncmp(variable, env[1], ft_strlen(variable)))
return (ft_strchr(env[1], '=') + 1);
return (NULL);
static char *ft_get_executable_path(char *executable_name, char **env)
char *path;
char **tab;
size_t i;
/* char *ft_get_executable_path(t_data *data, char *executable) */
/* { */
/* if (ft_strcmp(executable, "env") == 0) */
/* return (ft_strjoin("", executable)); */
/* else */
/* return */
/* } */
if (executable_name[0] == '.' || executable_name[0] == '/')
path = executable_name;
tab = ft_split(ft_get_variable(env, "PATH"), ':');
if (tab == NULL)
return (NULL);
i = 0;
while (tab[i] != NULL)
if (access(tab[i], X_OK) == 0)
path = ft_strmerger(3, tab[i], "/", executable_name);
break ;
ft_freer_tab_ultimate(1, tab);
return (path);
static int ft_excutor(t_cmd *cmd, char **env)
int ft_excutor(t_cmd *cmd)
int pid;
char *executable;
int return_value;
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
@ -58,31 +26,9 @@ static int ft_excutor(t_cmd *cmd, char **env)
dup2(cmd->fd_out, 1);
dup2(cmd->fd_in, 0);
execve(executable, cmd->args, env);
execve(cmd->executable, cmd->args, NULL);
waitpid(pid, &return_value, 0);
return (return_value);
int ft_cmds_executor(t_list **cmds, char **env)
t_cmd *content;
t_list *current;
int fds[2];
current = *cmds;
while (current->next != NULL)
if (pipe(fds) == -1)
ft_eprintf("minishell: pipe failed");
return (1);
content->fd_out = fds[1];
((t_cmd *) current->next)->fd_in = fds[0];
ft_excutor(content, env);
current = current->next;
return (0);

View File

@ -132,7 +132,12 @@ int ft_cmd_filler(t_list *element, char **args)
content->args = args;
content->executable = args[0];
//TODO check if executable exist
//TODO change it by env value
//TODO add switch to bultin
content->executable = ft_strjoin("/usr/bin/", args[0]);
if (content->executable == NULL)
return (1);
return (0);
@ -183,26 +188,41 @@ t_list **ft_parse_cmds(char *line)
return (cmds);
int main(int ac, char **av, char **env)
int ft_cmds_excutor(t_list **cmds)
t_cmd *content;
t_list *current;
size_t i;
i = 0;
current = *cmds;
while (current != NULL)
content = current->content;
ft_printf("--- COMMAND %d\n", i);
ft_printf("excutable: %s\n", content->executable);
ft_printf("args:\n%S", content->args);
current = current->next;
return (0);
int main(int ac, char **av)
t_list **cmds;
t_data data;
if (ac == 1)
return (1);
data.env = init_env(env);
if (data.env == NULL)
return (1);
cmds = ft_parse_cmds(av[1]);
if (cmds == NULL)
return (1);
if (ft_cmds_executor(cmds, env) == 1)
if (ft_cmds_excutor(cmds) == 1)
ft_lstclear(data.env, env_del);
ft_lstclear(cmds, ft_lstdel);
return (1);
ft_lstclear(data.env, env_del);
ft_lstclear(cmds, ft_lstdel);
return (0);
return (1);

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
# include <readline/history.h>
t_list **init_env(char **env);
int set_value_key(t_list **env, char *key, char *value);
char *get_value_index(int index, t_list **head);
char *get_value_key(char *key, t_list **head);
int ft_syntatic_verif(const char *str);
int ft_file_is_readable(const char *path);
int ft_file_is_writeable(const char *path);
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ int ft_infile(char *line);
int ft_outfile(char *line);
int ft_heredoc(char *stop);
size_t ft_seglen_quoted(const char *str, char c);
int ft_cmds_executor(t_list **cmds, char **env);
char **ft_split_quoted(const char *s, char c);
typedef struct s_cmd
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ typedef struct s_cmd
typedef struct s_data
t_list **env;
int heredoc;
} t_data;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static int ft_get_outfile(char *line)
if (path == NULL)
return (1);
return (-2);
if (append == 1)
i = open(path, O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0664);