# Solong This is my implementation of the Solong project for the 42 school. ## Description Solong is a simple 2D game where the player has to collect all the items in a maze and reach the exit. The game is written in C using the minilibx library for the graphics. The project is composed of three parts: - The parsing of the map file in a format specified by the subject. - The rendering of the game using the graphics library. - The game loop and the handling of user input. ## Installation To install this project clone this repo ``` bash git clone https://git.chauvet.pro/starnakin/solong ``` ### Mandatory To compile the game, simply run make in the root directory of the project. This will generate an executable called solong. ``` bash make ``` ### Bonus To compile the game, simply run make bonus in the root directory of the project. This will generate an executable called solong. ``` bash make bonus ``` ## Launch To run the game, you need to provide a valid map file as an argument. For example: ``` bash ./solong maps/map.ber ``` The game requires the minilibx library to be installed on your system. If you're using macOS, the library should be already installed. If you're using Linux, you may need to install it manually. ## Controls The player can be moved using the arrow keys or the WASD keys. Pressing the ESC key or closing the window will exit the game. ## Screenshots Here are some screenshots of the game: ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/501841539161522176/1089906526220734556/image.png?width=614&height=612) ## Resources ![Minilibx](https://github.com/42Paris/minilibx-linux) ![Subject](./subject.pdf) ## Author This project was created by Camille Chauvet. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.