# PyMenu PyMenu is a discord bot to create grocery list ## Feature - Add items to your list by sending a message to a channel within the `GROCERY_LIST` category. - Support for multiple lists, one for each channel. - Easily remove items from your list by clicking on the check mark reaction. ## Screenshots ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/501841539161522176/1161285342914170970/image.png?ex=6537be41&is=65254941&hm=3ace3096fd0a5d66cb8bfc8c744dbd79dcba84fc02cbaf7a02b01ffbcc7ed58d&=) ## Planned feature - Set prices for items. - Specify quantities for items. - Customize the category name. - Add images. - Complete the Dockerfile for easy deployment - Implement statistics for nerd ## Requirements - make - g++ - [DPP](https://dpp.dev) ## Installation - install `make` - install `g++` - [install dpp and its dependencies](https://dpp.dev/installing.html) - Clone the project: ``` bash git clone https://git.chauvet.pro/starnakin/PyMenuBOT/ cd PyMenuBOT ``` - Compile the project: ``` bash make ``` - Launch the executable: ``` bash ./PyMenu ``` ## Installation - Docker - Clone the project: ``` bash git clone https://git.chauvet.pro/starnakin/PyMenuBOT/ cd PyMenuBOT ``` - Config the bot Edit the `src/config.h` file and set the discord bot token - Build the docker image. ``` bash docker build -t pymenu . ``` - Run the docker ```bash docker run --restart=always -d pymenu ``` ## Setting up on Your Discord Server - Add the bot to your server (using [the official instance](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=818558187443716137&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=10737428544)) - Create a category called `listes-de-course` - Inside this category, create channels for each of your grocery lists (e.g., `Wallmart`). - You can now start adding items to your lists by sending messages in the respective channels.